Sunday, October 9, 2011


This one will be brief... Just saw an article on Drudge ( that discusses the sentencing of an Iranian actress... she will do one year in jail plus 90 lashes... for appearing in a movie critical of the country. Maybe a tad harsh, you savages?

Upon further research, a woman in the Sudan received 40 lashings for wearing pants... yes, wearing fucking pants... I knew about this stuff (I took a Middle East Studies course in college) but it still gets me every time I see stories such as this. It's savagery folks. I don't know any other way to say it.

Other crimes punishable by lashings in the "peaceful," Sharia (Islamic) law countries include: adultery, public intoxication, homosexuality (sometimes stoning/death).

What I'm saying is this... thank whomever you thank that that we do not have this in the USA. There would surely be a lot of sore asses hanging around, and we wouldn't just be saying this in the figurative sense.


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